How to enable expiry for products?

  • To enable expiry go to Settings -> Business Settings -> Product section. And check the “Enable Product Expiry” checkbox.
  • On enabling Product expiry, you can choose either “Add Item Expiry” or “Add manufacturing date & Expiry Period”
    • “Add Item expiry” -> Choose this option if you want to directly add the expiry of the item to the purchase screen.
    • “Add manufacturing date & Expiry date” -> Choose this option if you want to add the manufacturing date of the item and the expiry period. Based on the manufacturing date and expiry period it will auto-calculate the expiry date. And this expiry date can be edited. You will have to add an expiry period for the product in the “Add or Edit Product” screen. And the manufacturing date in the “Add Purchase” screen.

  • “On Product Expiry”-> With this option you can set what the system should do when a product expires.
    • “Keep Selling” -> Choose this option if you want the application to keep selling the product even after expiry.
    • “Stop Selling n days before” -> Choose this option to stop selling the item n days before the expiry. You will have to specify the value of n (which is the number of days before to stop selling)


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