How to enable & choose commission agent type?
1 Year Ago
By default Commission Agent is Disabled.You can enable it from
Settings -> Business Settings -> Sales, Sales Commission Agent drop-down.
You will see three different types:-
Logged in User: If this Option is used then the Logged in User will be automatically considered as the commission agent for the sales added by them. Meaning the user adding the sales the sales will get the commission for the sales.
Select from User’s List: If this option is enabled then in POS & Sales Screen you will see the list of “users” present in your business. The user adding the sales will select the commission agent from the list of users displayed.
Select from Commission Agent List: If this option is enabled then in POS & Sales Screen you will see the list of “Sales Commission Agents” present in your business. The user adding the sales will select the commission agent from the list of “Sales Commission Agents” displayed.
Select the option as per your business requirements.
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