Knowledge About WooCommerce Tab
2 Year Ago
Knowledge About WooCommerce Tab
API Settings
- Generating API key: Generate API keys by following this instruction as given in WooCommerce documentation.
- In the permissions select Read/Write access.
- Copy Consumer Key & Consumer Secret and paste them in Woocommerce Consumer Key & Woocommerce Consumer Secret.
- Woocommerce App URL: Enter the URL where WooCommerce shop is set up.
For example
IMPORTANT: Make sure to add HTTP or HTTPS before the woocommerce app url.
Enable Auto Sync:
- If you want the products/categories to be auto-synced then enable this option.
- By default, Auto Sync happens everyday night. It can be configured programmatically to make it more frequent. But more frequent means more server load.
- NOTE: Cron job needs to be added for this auto-sync to work. Cron command is shown in “Backup” screen
- Once auto-sync is setup the sync log in the woocommerce module will show the activity log with a regular time interval (the default time interval will be 12 hours).
Product Sync Settings
- Default Tax Class: WooCommerce assigns a tax class to each item. Here you have to provide the default tax class which is used inWooCommerce.
- Sync Product Price: This specifies if the product price which will be sent to WooCommerce will include tax or exclude tax.
- Default Selling Price Group: Sometime you may want to have a different price in WooCommerce then that is POS. For that, you can create a Selling price Group in POS & assign that price group for WooCommerce. Price Group Document.
- Product fields to be synced with woocommerce while creating products: Here you can select the fields which will get synced to WooCommerce from POS while creating a new product.
- Product fields to be synced with woocommerce while updating products: Here you can select the fields which will get synced to WooCommerce from POS while updating an already created product. This option can be very useful if you want the POS to overwrite some of the fields while updating products.
Sync Orders:
This option is used to get all orders in WooCommerce website to UltimatePOS.
All newly created or updated orders after the last sync get added to UltimatePOS. A special tag is also added to the order to mark it as an order from WooCommerce.
NOTE: Auto-sync not working:
Reason 1:
The auto-sync feature may not be enabled inside the Woo-commerce module.
Reason 2: The cron job is not added.
NOTE: Orders going to draft:
Reason 1:
When order or sales from WooCommerce is synced with UltimatePOS, some orders may go to draft when the sufficient quantity is not available in UltimatePOS.
For example, an order from WooCommerce contains 10 Pieces of Pen, if only 7 pieces are available in UltimatePOS then instead of skipping the order, it goes to draft. With this, you can add a sufficient quantity of the products and make the order as final.
Reason 2:
UltimatePOS uses the below order mapping.
‘pending’ => ‘draft’,
‘processing’ => ‘final’,
‘on-hold’ => ‘draft’,
‘completed’ => ‘final’,
‘canceled’ => ‘draft’,
‘refunded’ => ‘draft’,
‘failed’ => ‘draft’,
‘shipped’ => ‘final’
So, for example, if the order is pending in WooCommerce then it will be marked as a draft in UltimatePOS, similarly for other statuses.
NOTE: Automating Orders sync:
You can automate the order syncing by using the Order webhook described below.
Setting up Webhook:
- Go to WooCommerce -> API settings -> WebHook settings, there you will find Order Created, Order Updated, Order Deleted, Order restored webhook settings containing Webhook Secret & Webhook Delivery URL
- Copy the Webhook Delivery URL for Order Created and create a new Webhook in WooCommerce. For creating Webhook in WooCommerce refer to this document:
- Name: Give any name which you can recognize.
- Status: Active
- Topic: Order Created
- Delivery URL: Paste the order created delivery URL from UltimatePOS.
- Secret: keep it blank.
- API version: your API version
- Click on “Save Webhook” in WooCommerce.
- Copy the Generated “Secret” from WooCommerce and paste it to Webhook Secret of UltimatePOS Order Created.
- Repeat the above process for all other (Order Updated, Order Deleted, Order restored)
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