Knowledge About POS

Knowledge About POS

When we click on POS bottom it display the cash register tab.

  • Cash Register gives you an overview of a particular user/cashier session
  • Whenever a cashier opens to POS screen she must Open Cash Register by entering the “Cash In hand”
  • If the cashier has access to more than one location then location also needs to be selected
  • Every sale made by the cashier will be logged into the Cash Register. In POS screen, You can view product list on the right side of your computer whereas on the left side you can select customer type, search product detail , Add discount and you can select the payment method.
  • POS screen also displays the Cash in hand, and cash details by other payment methods as well. Also, the amount refunded by the cashier.
  • To close a cash register click on Red Color – Close Register Button. On closing Cash register the cashier will have to enter the details of the Total Cash, Total Card Slips, Total cheques and other fields.
  • To view all cash register Go to Reports -> Register Report. Here you view all cash register details.

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