How to add a new job sheet?

To accept the device for repair from a customer, a job sheet is created. A job sheet contains all information related to a particular repair job.

Job Sheet is a page of instructions to help the technician in performing the repair.

To add a new job sheet

  • Go to repair -> Add job sheets, Filled the requirements. In case the devices need to add parts click on ‘save and add parts’.
  • Select Business Location, customer
  • Service type: carry-in, pickup, or on-site. With pickup or onsite, the address has to be entered
  • Select Brand, Device, Device Model, based on this a pre-repair checklist will be shown.
  • Enter the serial number or IMEI, Password/Pattern Lock
  • Product Configuration, Reported problem, condition of the product can be selected or new can be entered. You can pre-define some of this for selection as described in the next section.
  • Similarly, you can select other fields.
  • Assign Operator/Technician: Operator & Technician are service staff. To Create service staff in add/edit roles give the Service staff permission.

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