How to add a customer group ?

Businesses often create customer groups to better understand and cater to the needs and preferences of different customer segments. By doing so, businesses can improve their marketing strategies, product offerings, and customer service to better meet the specific needs of each group. For example, a company may create different marketing campaigns for different customer groups or offer personalized discounts and promotions to specific groups based on their past purchasing behavior.

  • To add a “Customer Group” go to Contacts -> Customer Groups & Click on “Add” button.
  • It will show a popup asking for customer group name & Calculation Percentage.
  • Fill in the details of the customer group in the provided fields. This may include the group name, description, and any other relevant information.

  • Depending on the capabilities of Workplace, you may also be able to assign specific privileges or settings to the customer group, such as discount rates or special permissions.

  • Once you have filled in the necessary information, save or submit the customer group to create it.

  • The customer group will now be available. You can assign customers to this group when adding or editing their profiles.

Calculation percentage is used to calculate selling price.


  • Suppose if the Selling Price set for a product Product1 is Rs.200
  • Customer Group Name = Friend

Calculation Percentage = -20

  • Note: -20 (notice a minus sign) or you may set it 20 = +20%
  • And you have created a customer with Harry with a Customer Group assigned as Friend.
  • Now go to POS or Sell screen. Select the customer Harry and add the product1.
  • You will notice that the selling price set for the product1 will be 200-20% = Rs.160

This is how Customer Group works.

Customer Group does an internal calculation and applies the calculation percentage to the selling price. It will not show a separate discount on the invoice or the pos screen.

This feature is highly useful when you have retail, wholesale or different customer categories.

You can view reports for different customer groups from “Customer Groups Report” or in other terms if you have a retail and wholesale customer group you can see which type of customer group is giving more sales.

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